It’s our last post for this year! We made it through a second year! I’m so thankful for this group of ladies that blog with us. We’re a small bunch, but we’re a good one! We don’t know yet how many changes our circle will go through for 2015, but one thing for sure, we plan to keep on posting.
I want to take this moment to wish everyone a very merry Christmas! May your hearts be filled with delight and wonder, and may you enjoy the family time and keep the traditions alive. May they bring you many happy memories to make you anticipate the next holiday season.
We’ve had our first major snowfall, so I’m heading outside in a couple of minutes to capture some winter scenes (yes, with the big camera!). I did not have much time for Christmas photos, though I am in full Christmas spirit mode, so I’ll only share a few ones. Our family photos have yet to be taken, I always wait for the snow, because, who needs fake snow when one lives in Canada? Even though snow seems to get here later every year, I still prefer the real deal and yummy light to the fake overlays. If you don’t have snow where you are, you can always find some helpful freebies to add some winter or Christmas magic to your images by navigating to the freebies section, just sayin’ 🙂
I’m currently reflecting on this last year, on how the word I chose back in January influenced my journey. I checked back on my goals, some I have reached, some I’m making progress on. And I’m thinking of a new word for 2015, I already have my idea, but will ponder a bit more to see if it’s actually THE perfect one! How was your year? Did it hold its promises? Was it good to you? I hope it was, if not, time to turn the page and move on to the next in line!
So, once again wishes for a beautiful Christmas and a great year ahead. Celebrate, love and have fun!
Don’t forget to head over to the next blog by clicking the Sisterhood button xox
Your lovely pictures sure spread the Christmas joy. I hope you had a wonderful time and that the snow stayed long enough. Here it rained and rained, but that was not a problem as we stayed home. The whole time 🙂
My 2014 was pretty much a mixed bag of beans, I have better and worse. There are definitely changes in the air. They will happen, let’s hope they will be good.
I hope you will find YOUR word and wish you a very happy New Year!
We had a quiet Christmas too Claudia! I did find my word, ONWARD. Hope it brings the right intention to my year 🙂 Thank you for stopping by xox