I love this poem from Paul Verlaine, Chanson d’automne, in it’s original French version of course. It goes like this:
Les sanglots longs
Des violons
De l’automne
Blessent mon coeur
D’une langueur
Tout suffocant
Et blême, quand
Sonne l’heure,
Je me souviens
Des jours anciens
Et je pleure
Et je m’en vais
Au vent mauvais
Qui m’emporte
Deçà, delà,
Pareil à la
Feuille morte.
~ Paul Verlaine
And, for you that would like to see it translated, though it loses a bit of magic, here goes…
The long sobs
Of the violins
Of Autumn
Wound my heart
With a monotonous
All choked
And pale, when
The hour chimes,
I remember
Older days
And I cry
And I’m going
On an ill wind
That carries me
Here and there,
As if a
Dead leaf.
~ Paul Verlaine
This post is part of our Sisterhood Stories blog circle, please visit Jessica’s blog and leave some love along the way…
oh Isabelle your images of fall are so lovely, you captured this time of year perfectly!
Thank you Jessica! xox
What a wonderful poem! Not knowing French nearly enough, I think the English version is great. And your pictures play along wonderfully.
Thank you Claudia, I love poetry, it’s a powerful source of inspiration xox
A beautiful poem, and such perfect images to go with it.
Thank you very much Lisa xox
Thank you for the translation! And so sombre! Love the pics as always x
Yes, it’s a dark poem, but I do love it! Thank you Boo xox
Gorgeous images as always – you have captured Autumn details so perfectly, love them, and the poem is wonderful, thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you very much dear xox