I’m just back from our family vacation and this year, I had planned to widen my horizons photography-wise. It’s no secret that landscape photography has always been the toughest for me. I don’t know why, I think that’s because I’m attracted to details. So, this vacation, I made it my mission to experiment and take lots of landscape photos. Get the bigger picture, see large, imagine what’s behind what I would usually frame. I must say it was challenging, I’m not a natural landscape photographer. I even had a hard time shooting in horizontal, vertical still being favored. That’s how my mind works, and even though I want to fight it, sometimes I just can’t! But I did, for the sake of going through with my mission, and I’m happy with the results.
Aaaah! Summer! There’s nothing quite like it. The warmth, the light. The days without routine, other than going to bed late and sleeping in. Doing whatever our hearts dictate. I wish it lasted longer. The boys are having a great time together, even if they’re 5 years apart, they love to be with each other. One anxiously awaiting for the other to be up in the morning, and checking his bedroom every ten minutes. While others complain that their kids are fighting all the time while at home, I find my boys to be so relax and carefree. That really allows them to enjoy the time spent together. Really. And that means the world to me.
Fine art, still life, and even food photography is often discredited by others in the industry. They tend to believe it’s easy, and that these photographs don’t require a lot of time, planning or attention. Well, I tend to disagree.
Take this cherry photo, how much time did I spend on it?
I no longer walk the same way. My feet have purpose.
I no longer see the same things. My eyes have vision.
I no longer touch lightly. My hands hold your dreams.
Love was just a little girl’s dream. Until I held you.
You shine a light so bright, it’s blinding. Let no one in this universe dull your light. Own it, and spread it. Like the magic you carry around. Touch with it.
Every year, our city holds a Circus festival, along with a fair. Always at the beginning of summer, right after the school’s out. That’s how we start our summer vacations. There’s nothing quite like being in the rides day and night, with the live music, street artists, and happy crowd. The kids love it! Even if the rides are quite small compared to our local Six Flags park, they do go back, year after year. And of course, the lights, the rides and colors make for great photo opportunities.
About Me
Dreamer. Wanderer. Artist.
Barefoot lady who talks to birds. Who loves the wind and her morning coffee.
Who sings out loud and still believes in magic.
Perfectly imperfect, and that suits me just fine.
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